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Kipp NelsonU.S. Ski & Snowboard trustee Kipp Nelson is one of the generous individuals who has committed a portion of his estate to help us achieve our ambitious planned giving goal. In Kipp's own words:

"Skiing and ski racing was a meaningful enough part of my life that about 15 years ago I put a small percentage of my estate towards U.S. Ski & Snowboard and also my local ski club. We all have a healthy concern for how well non-profits allocate money, and seeing the whole thing from the inside, I think U.S. Ski & Snowboard has done a pretty good job of that over the years. So, what really pushes me towards including this in my will is that these athletes do it for the pure love of the sport, probably injure their future careers in doing so, and almost always their bodies along the way. Despite this, most of the athletes never seem entitled, and are always grateful."